How to Go from “Making money on the internet” to SPIRITUAL CEO

Oct 29, 2024

I recently led a mastermind call with the focus on the Spiritual CEO identity in my membership, and here are some of the points you can take home 

A Spiritual CEO is a spiritual entrepreneur who has decided not only to have something for sale (whether it is a service, a physical product, a digital product) but also connects their offer to a vision that goes beyond making money

Their brand DNA is solid: They know what they stand for, they have a vision for the future, and their desire is for their business to influence something on the planet 

Example of Spiritual CEOs you may know: 

Vishen Lakhiani from MindValley

— He blended business success with personal growth through a global personal development company 

Blake Mycoskie from TOMS

— He is known for his “One for One” model where the company donates a pair of shoes for every pair sold 

Jessica Alba from The Honest Company

— She built a vision driven by her desire to create healthier environment for families 

John Mackey from Whole Foods

— He has made organic produces accessible, and introduced the concept of “conscious capitalism”

Conscious Capitalism is a business philosophy that focuses on the idea of financial success while contributing to the greater food of society. 

It’s all about higher purpose, leadership, and conscious culture 

A Spiritual CEO is in alignment with that philosophy 

To be a Spiritual CEO, you must…

Stop taking things personally

Whether it is a client asking for a refund, someone posting crap about you online, or simply someone who disagrees with what you do — your focus is not on protecting your egos feelings, it is on serving those you are building a business to serve 

Be solution oriented

Whether it is a failed launch, low engagement or conversion, or whatever it is that is a current obstacle to you right now, you see everything with a solution-focused mind. You are ready to do what it takes to fix it — whether it is pivoting, hiring, or investing. 

Execute on your vision 

Every single day, there are tasks in your agenda that are moving the needle forward on getting closer to your goals. Beyond daily sales activities, you are actively working on achieving a too good to be true company result. 

Continue building even after you reach your target

You celebrate when you reach your goals, but you do not get comfortable then. Whether it’s a number of sales, people enrolled, or revenue number, when you hit your goal early you still continue holding the energy and power until the finish line. 

Invest in yourself

Your skills, your operations, your energy, your mindset, your leadership, your health.. Those are things you actively invest in, as you know in order to grow your Spiritual CEO capacity, you must grow yourself inside and out 

Continuity building even when you did not reach your target

You are not attaching your self worth to reaching goals. When things are not working as planned, or you are not seeing evidence that it is working, you continue walking with faith and desire — you show up as if it was guaranteed for you to win

Make impact and significance a priority 

Success is sweet, but you know it is not enough — your desire is not only to be successful (individual) but to make a significant impact on the world (collective). While you make sure YOU are always full, your goals go beyond just yourself. You prioritize purpose over profit every time.

Stop people pleasing 

The tough conversations, firing the team member that isn’t correct for your business, saying no to a potential client when your guts says to, telling the truth, growing even if it triggers others, not feeling bad for not responding to every DM when your visibility blows up.. People pleasing is not compatible to being a Spiritual CEO

Use your spiritual gifts 

Your intuitions and gifts should lead your decision making process. You trust your inner knowing, even when the noise says otherwise. You know you are divinely guided into your souls mission and purpose 

Prioritize your alignment 

Your offers and direction aligns with your vision. You say no to what doesn’t feel aligned, no matter how tempting or lucrative it is. You operate from a place of love and compassion. Being in your highest energetic state is a priority. 

Your Spiritual CEO identity is your masculine in business. Without it, you have no structure, no direction. 

In the Energetic Empires, we build your Spiritual CEO Identity 


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