Reasons to Create Sales Funnels for Growing Your Coaching Business

business scaling marketing strategy Jul 07, 2022

Success comes in many shapes and forms. However, regardless of what form it comes to you as-- it always means that you'd have other things you need to do other than trying to make sales. You'd be nurturing current clients, creating new exciting offers, or maybe you'd simply be living your best life.


Do you ever wonder how successful coaches make consistent sales?


If you always try handling everything from creation, engagement, and sales-- you will be working for your business instead of making your business work for you. This setup does will drain you if you want to reach a six to seven-figure income. 


So how do successful coaches achieve balance in their life while still having the time to create, nurture, and scale each aspect of their business? The answer is simply-- sales funnels.


Understanding Sales Funnels


Successful coaches can live their life to the fullest, create amazing offers that align with them, build strong relationships with their clients, and MORE because they have a system that makes the sale for them.


A sales funnel is a process that brings your ideal customers to your offers one step at a time. This step-by-step process convinces your lead or potential client to make a buying decision through a series of marketing efforts.


A sales funnel can include articles, automated emails, landing pages, etc. that do the selling for you. This setup will work for you all day long and all year round. You just need to prepare it once and then you can move on to focus your energy on other things you need or want to do.


Reasons Why You Need a Sales Funnel as a Coach


As a coach, you want to help more people. You want to work with people who align with you. You want people to realize that they need help and that you might be the key to their breakthrough. But attempting to do it all on your own can cost you your personal time and your own well-being.


If simply having more time to do the things you love is not enough reason for you, here's more:


Sales funnels can build trust.


Did you know that you can energetically push people away by being so keen on making a sale? People can feel when they are being sold to or when they are being pressured to buy. You would have experienced being sold to AT LEAST once in your life and you have to admit that it was not a fun experience.


Sales funnels will allow you to build trust because they don't aggressively sell to your potential clients. Since it is a series of marketing efforts that includes several steps-- you have several chances to educate that will eventually lead to your potential client becoming a paying client.


Sales funnels avoid bottlenecks.


You are one person. Yes, you are an amazing coach and you deserve ALL the clients your heart desires. BUT, you are one person. If there is a surge of potential clients interested in your business, it will take you time before you can filter which client aligns, which client needs which offer, etc.


Sales funnels can help you create a stronger pipeline that can accommodate five, ten, or even a hundred potential customers at a time! This setup avoids losing potential paying clients because of delays. Your prospects can take the next step without you lifting a finger.


Sales funnels can help you sell more.


Sales funnels can help increase your sales not only because it works for you 24/7 all year round, but because it gives you the time you need to create new offers and allows you to attract clients with much less work involved in each sale. It means higher conversion rates and better profits!


Sales funnels are a gentle push to make a buying decision.


You may have encountered people who you know need your program or offer, but they are not ready to buy yet. Of course, pressuring them is NOT an option. A sales funnel can be a taste of what you can do for them. Your sales funnel can give them a preview of who you are as a coach and as a person through your content. If they like your content and they see how valuable your insights are in every step of the sales funnel-- it will be the gentle push they need to make a buying decision.


What Should a Sales Funnel Look Like for a Coach?


By definition, a funnel is a tool that has a wide opening at the top and it gets smaller going down and it has the smallest opening at the bottom.


A sales funnel for a coach is wide because you are going to attract A LOT of people who would be interested in working with you. It usually starts with a free or affordable product that you are offering-- the next step introduces them to a more expensive product. But of course, you need to take into consideration which products make sense when you are setting up your sales funnel.


Each product needs to be strategically arranged to make sense for your clients. After buying one of your products, your customer would more likely be interested to purchase a second product because they now have experienced what it's like to be in your presence. So, use this as an opportunity to upsell with a more expensive product that is connected to the previous offer that they enjoyed. 


However, you need to expect that the number of clients will dwindle as you go down the funnel. And this is not a bad thing at all! The sales funnel narrows down the line because it is filtering people who are not aligned with you. You will be left with your dream clients at the price point you know you deserve!


Final Words


It is hard to see growth in your business when you are constantly overwhelmed with the task of taking care of your sales. How can you even begin to work on expanding your coaching business when you are always so focused on manually selling your offers?


Creating sales funnels is a great way to grow your coaching business because it gives you more time to create new offers and scale. You can do all that without sacrificing your time for yourself or your health. 


Interested in creating sales funnels for your coaching business? Maybe The Coach Funnel can help you get started. This self-study course program will help you sell your offers on autopilot. Free up some time to scale your business and live the life of your dreams.

If you want to take your business to the next level, then you can also check out Zero to CEO. Not only will you gain access to trainings to help you to better understand the pillars behind every successful business, but you will also enjoy monthly business and energetic calls with Em, monthly expert CEO coaching calls, monthly guest expert calls, and a private Facebook group where you can build connections. 

Zero to CEO is more than just a mentorship, it will help shape you into more than just an entrepreneur-- be the digital CEO that you know that you are. 

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