The Cheat Code to Attracting Clients
Oct 25, 2024If You Want to Be Interesting, Be Interested: The Cheat Code to Attracting Clients
One of the most overlooked qualities in business is simply being interested in others. I see people making the mistake of bombarding with knowledge and authority content, yet not taking the time to actually connect with their audience. — Either by responding to comment with genuine care, or taking the time to comment meaningful notes on their audience content.
By constantly flashing your offer and marketing to your audience, you don’t take the time to make the people feel your presence and care.
People will want to work with you when they feel seen by you, because care and curiosity creates trust, and trust is the foundation to a successful professional relationship.
Here’s how I approach being “interested” in a way that builds long-term relationships and allows me to welcome client who I feel we already have respect for each other
I Am Present
Being present means giving someone your full attention, both mentally and emotionally. In a world filled with distractions, offering your undivided attention can feel like a rare gift. A lot of my clients mention how they appreciate that quality of me. When you're present, clients feel seen and valued, and that feeling can’t be replaced by any marketing strategy or sales technique.
I Listen
Listening is a skill that often gets taken for granted. Real listening means more than hearing the words someone says. It’s about understanding what they mean, picking up on their emotions, and noticing what’s not being said. When you listen like this, clients feel understood, and that creates a connection that’s hard to break. Not only that, it also allows you to provide better service, and hear the things they are not saying but that needs to be heard.
I Give Genuine and Thoughtful Compliments
Authenticity is everything. People can tell when compliments are forced or insincere. No one will “feel” nor remember you liking their posts, but your comment that is of quality will stand out. When I give compliments, they come from a place of genuine admiration. Whether it’s acknowledging a someone’s progress or appreciating their unique perspective, thoughtful compliments can make someone feel valued, confident, and loved.. Which are qualities that are extremely valuable.
I Remember Little Details
It’s easy to remember the big things, but it’s the small details that make people feel truly appreciated. Because I am present, and because I listen, I also remember. It makes people know they are not just a number for me. It builds rapport and trust over time.
I Am Solid in My Boundaries but I Allow My Genuine Caring to Be Felt
Boundaries are key to maintaining healthy client relationships. But unlike some very masculine leaders may say, having solid in your boundaries doesn’t mean being cold or distant. It’s about creating a space where both you and your clients can thrive. My boundaries allow me to protect my energy while still showing genuine care and support for my clients. It also show people how to raise the standards as it pertains to their own self respect. When you model leadership gracefully yet strongly, everyone benefits from it.
I Respond from a Mentor Identity, Not a Friend Identity
Clients don’t hire me to be their friend; they hire me for guidance, support, and leadership. I approach every interaction from the identity of a mentor, so the energy I comment or respond with is big. This doesn’t mean I’m not warm or relatable, but I always make sure that the guidance I give is rooted in professional wisdom and not feel like a cheerleader. It makes people feel special, rather than make them friend zone me.
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